Local (docker compose)

Local Machine

We provide docker-compose.yml for running the application locally.

You can serve all services that compose Promptmodel with a single command:

docker compose up

Requirements: docker and docker compose, both included in Docker Desktop

Get started

# clone the repository
git clone
cd promptmodel
docker compose up

-> Visit http://localhost:3000 (opens in a new tab)

This will build the docker images of a Next.js frontend, FastAPI backend server, postgres database, redis and postgres-redis listener for realtime.

Update to latest version

cd promptmodel
git pull
docker compose down
docker compose build --no-cache
docker compose up

Promptmodel Cloud is a managed version of Promptmodel, with automatic updates and more features.
You can get started with a free plan here (opens in a new tab).

Local development

docker compose -f watch

For development, we provide which allows docker compose watch - changes in the codebase will be detected and related containers will automatically sync/rebuild.

This feature was introduced in Docker Compose 2.2.2. Read more → (opens in a new tab)

docker compose watch isn't supported on remote code

Connect to codebase

You can connect your codebase with the self-hosted Promptmodel by Python SDK.

More Detail →