

You have the option to self-host your own instance of Promptmodel. We provide both Docker Compose and Railway templates for easy setup.

Railway Template

You can easily deploy your own instance of Promptmodel with our Railway Template.

You should update 2 environment variables after deploying.

  • frontend
    • BACKEND_PUBLIC_URL is the url of the backend server. It should be updated to backend's public url created by Railway.
    • FRONTEND_PUBLIC_URL is the url of the frontend server. It should be updated to frontend's public url created by Railway.
  • backend
    • FRONTEND_PUBLIC_URL is the url of the frontend server. It should be updated to frontend's public url created by Railway.


Requirements: docker and docker compose, both included in Docker Desktop


Before deploying, you need to configure the following environment variables in the .env file:

# .env
NEXTAUTH_SECRET=yoursecret # Required
POSTGRES_USER=yourusername  # Optional, postgres by default
POSTGRES_PASSWORD=yourpassword  # Optional, postgres by default
POSTGRES_DB=dbname # Optional, postgres by default
POSTGRES_PORT=5432	# Optional, 5432 by default
  • Postgres variables

    • POSTGRES_DB, POSTGRES_USER and POSTGRES_PASSWORD are the credentials for the postgres database.
    • POSTGRES_PORT is the port on which the postgres database is running. We recommend using the default port 5432.
  • Authentication secret key

  • Endpoint urls

    • BACKEND_PUBLIC_URL is the url of the backend server. It should be updated to backend's public url.
    • FRONTEND_PUBLIC_URL is the url of the frontend server. It should be updated to frontend's public url.

After you have configured the environment variables, you can start the container with the following command:

docker compose up

-> Visit http://localhost:3000 (opens in a new tab) (or frontend public URL)

This will build the docker images of a Next.js frontend, FastAPI backend server, postgres database, redis and postgres-redis listener for realtime.


cd promptmodel
git pull
docker compose down
docker compose build --no-cache
docker compose up

Connect to codebase

You can connect your codebase with the self-hosted Promptmodel by Python SDK.

More Detail →


If you encounter any issues, you can ask for help on Discord (opens in a new tab).